Key Programs
3C Program
Jeong Jaehoon Character Building Fund
Venture Research Program for Graduate Students
Fund created from Professor Emeritus Jaehoon Jeong’s donation of his home to the KAIST Development Fund for the character development of KAIST students.
Jeong Jaehoon Character Building Fund
KAIST Humanities Camp
Time: Twice annually (After mid-terms in the Spring and Fall semesters)
Participants: 80 in total (40 per event)
Program Content: two-day trip to sites of literary or historical significance in Korea
Type | Content |
Field Trip | Field trips to writer’s homes, settings of novels, historical sites, cultural heritage sites etc. |
Guest Lecture | Lectures by invited experts on selected cultural topics |
Book Discussion | Group discussion after selection of topic |
Healing Camp | Conversation camp between professors and students to provide counseling on problems with campus life and career guidance |
Year | Event | |
2023 | Nobel Laureates commentaries on their contributions and sight (Peace, Literature, Economic Sciences) | |
2022 | Nobel Laureates commentaries on their contributions and sight (Peace, Literature, Economic Sciences) | |
2021 | Nobel Laureates commentaries on their contributions and sight (Peace, Literature, Economic Sciences) | |
2020 | Support for online concert video production | |
Nobel Laureates commentaries on their contributions and sight (Peace, Literature, Economic Sciences) | ||
2019 | No event | |
2018 |
Topic: Revisiting the Seohaean Coast Oil Spill
2017 |
Topic: 72 Years in Waiting, Freedom for the Victims of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery!!
2016 |
Topic: Meeting Baek Seok in Tongyeong
2015 |
Topic: How To Turn Imagination into Cartoons
2014 |
Topic: Architecture Walk, Seeing in Six Senses
College of Liberal Arts and Convergence Science has been operating the Venture Research Program for Graduate Students since 2017. This project provides funding to novel and original transdisciplinary research related to the humanities, social sciences or culture regardless of the possibility of journal publication, conducted by students enrolled at the College of Liberal Arts and Convergence Science. The open call for proposals is posted in March each year, and selected recipients are given 9 months to complete their research from April to December. The outcomes are evaluated at the research project outcome presentations held in January the following year.
Researcher | Department | Title | Note |
Ji Soo Kim (Doctorate Program) |
Moon Soul Graduate School of Future Strategy | Do speed cameras discriminate? | |
Ijin Kim (Master’s Program) |
School of Digital Humanities and Computational Social Sciences | Distinguishing the Sublime as Aesthetic Experience and the Awe as Emotion: Survey Experiment using VR Technology | |
Youjin Sung (Doctorate Program) |
Graduate School of Culture Technology | Generative Haptic for Virtual Reality Experience Design | |
Hyunah Keum, Joelle Champalet (Doctorate Program) |
Graduate School of Science and Technology Policy | Unpacking the smart waste infrastructure: what maintains the Auto Clean Net of South Korea | |
Seongchan Park, Jaehong Kim (Master’s Program, Doctorate Program) |
Graduate School of Culture Technology | YouTube Data-based Multimodal Polarization Analysis in Korea and the U.S. |
Researcher | Department | Title | Note |
Neul Oh (Master's Program) |
Graduate School of Science and Technology Policy | Research on Accessibility to Healthcare and Medical Policy: Focusing on the Transgender Population | |
jina Kim, Minyung Kim (Master's Program) |
Graduate School of Culture Technology | Interaction improvement using sensing technology | |
Eugene Hwang, Joonhyung Bae (Doctorate Program) |
Graduate School of Culture Technology | Designing Sensory Transition Experience in VR to Show The lnterindividual /lntermodal Perceptual Differences And Creating a VR Interface to Experience Sensory Transition | |
Junho Kwon (Doctorate Program) |
Graduate School of Science and Technology Policy | Science and Diplomacy: Identifying the Critical Facilities in North Korea’s Nuclear Weapons Program and Deriving the Denuclearization Priorities based on the Nuclear Weapons Latency Analysis |
Researcher | Department | Title | Note |
Jang Hyeokjin (Master's Program) |
Graduate School of Culture Technology | The effect of the avatar embodiment and experience context in virtual reality on implicit physical disability bias | |
Lee Seungeon (Master's Program) |
Graduate School of Culture Technology | The effect of counterpart’s avatar visualization and reward fairness on the sense of joint agency in a VR cooperative task | |
Geum Hyeona (Doctorate Program) |
Graduate School of Science and Technology Policy | Uncovering maintainers: the invisible laborers at waste infrastructure in South Korea | |
Hwang Yujin (Doctorate Program) |
Graduate School of Culture Technology | Automatic Editing of Virtual Lectures based on Attention Data |
Researcher | Department | Title | Note |
Hae-Seung Shim (Doctorate Program) |
Graduate School of Culture Technology | Development of UIUX using Augmented Reality (AR) for Cultural Heritage Application Guide within the World Heritage: Sewon, Korean Neo-Confucian Academies, the Serial World Heritage properties | |
Min-Hae Kim (Doctorate Program) |
Moon Soul Graduate Program for Future Strategy | The Future of Web Novels: Development of Evaluation Index for Industrial Expansion of Web Novel |
Researcher | Department | Title | Note |
Junhyeong Bae (Master's Program) |
Graduate School of Culture Technology | A study on the visual components of Korean paintings using computer vision: Focusing on ink bamboo paintings | |
Sangeon Yong (Doctorate Program) |
Graduate School of Culture Technology | Musical expression transplanting algorithm for singing correction | |
Hyeseung Shim (Doctorate Program) |
Graduate School of Culture Technology | Storytelling development and digital data construction for the establishment of a virtual prehistory museum: For the digitization of world heritage and religious cultural heritage | |
Yoojin Hwang (Master's Program) |
Graduate School of Culture Technology Master's Program | Using visual subliminal cues to induce attention in stationary/dynamic environments | |
Cheolmin Kang (Master's Program) |
Graduate School of Culture Technology | ARility: AR-based shopping system for social inclusion |
Researcher | Department | Title | Note |
Minyoung Choi (Doctorate Program) |
Moon Soul Graduate Program for Future Strategy | Impact of anonymity on the polarization of society |
Researcher | Department | Title | Note |
Juyoung Oh (Doctorate Program) |
Graduate School of Culture Technology | ACT-R EMMA expansion for real-time eye movement prediction in video | |
Seyeon Lee (Doctorate Program) |
Graduate School of Culture Technology | A study on online social media memoirs to improve mental health in the elderly | |
Jiyoon Jang, Hyunjoo Kim (Master's Program) |
Graduate School of Culture Technology | Bechdel test through video analysis: a study on gender equality awareness in Korean movies |
Researcher | Department | Title | Note |
Seongyong Kim (Doctorate Program) |
Graduate School of Culture Technology | Graduate School of Culture Technology Doctorate Program Relieving ambiguity in brain-machine interface control commands through multi-sensory association | |
Kijun Yoon (Doctorate Program) |
Graduate School of Science and Technology Policy | Into a sinking ship: Ethnographic reinterpretation of a crisis in the shipbuilding industry and an industrial city/td> | |
Inkyeong Seon (Doctorate Program), Bitna Lee (Master's Program) |
Graduate School of Science and Technology Policy | Evolution of energy technology research in an era of energy transition |
KAIST Bene-Fit Challenge Program
카이스트 내 학부-대학원생의 다양한 건강관리 및 스포츠 활동의 활성화를 위해 다양한 신체활동 Challenge 프로그램과 체육 AU 확대를 위해 운영
스포츠 활동을 통한 도전과 건강관리의 성취감을 고취시킵니다.
To escape from 방콕 : 비활동성 생활습관의 전환 기회 / 건강하고 활기찬 기숙 환경 적응 / 스포츠 참여로 활동적인 휴식의 필요성 이해
새로운 스포츠의 자발적 참여를 위한 긍정적인 동기 제공 / 스포츠나 운동을 통한 스포츠 과학의 융합적 사고 활성화
‘bene’의 ‘좋은’이라는 뜻에서 어원과 체력의 fitness에서 Fit을 차용하여 Bene-Fit의 ‘체력이 좋다, 건강해진다’ 의 중의적 의미로 사용합니다. “KAIST 50주년 197.1km 베네핏 Challenge run” 진행 2021년은 KAIST 개교 50주년이 되는 해입니다. 따라서 우리 대학 디지털인문사회과학부에서는 교내 구성원들간의 건강과 체력관리를 위한 캠페인으로 “KAIST 50주년 197.1km 베네핏 챌린지 달리기”를 진행하였습니다.
본 프로그램은 장기간 코로나 19로 위축된 신체활동과 구성원들의 체력증진, 건강관리 및 스포츠 활동 활성화를 위해 Challenge 프로그램으로 운영하고자 하였습니다. 개교년도 1971년을 의미하는 197.1km를 3개월간 완주하기 위해 300여 명의 참가자를 선발하였고 참가자의 체력과 동기 수준에 따라 걷기와 달리기를 통해 50주년을 의미하여 50명을 선착순으로 선발하고자 하였습니다. 본 프로그램을 통해 카이스트 개교 50주년 기념과 코로나 19상황에서 비대면 신체활동 기회를 제공하여, 구성원간의 사회적 가치를 함양하고 건강한 신체와 건전한 사고를 위한 도전 의식을 북돋워 성취감 고취할 수 있었으며, 스포츠 활동을 통해 참여의식과 배려심을 배양할 수 있었습니다.
행사 로고
행사 어플> 스트라바(STRAVA)
프로그램 포스터
프로그램 웹페이지 및 완주증
교내 인기코스> 참가자
SOS 안전수영 (교육형)
대전 마라톤 10K 도전 (도전형)
조용한 인내: 명상요가 (교육형)
서울 달리기: 하프 마라톤 도전 (도전형)
전문 스포츠 교실 배드민턴 (참여형)
대전여지도 - "대전의 길을 열다...지도꾼 카이스티안!“ (참여형) - 대전 및 유성구 내 지정된 10곳 중 7곳 투어 체험
다빈치 포인트는 학부생들이 편안하고 즐거운 마음으로 예술 활동에 참여할 수 있도록 동기를 부여해주는 예술 활동 활성화 프로그램 입니다.
예술을 일상적으로 접할 수 있는
창의적 캠퍼스 조성 -
학생들의 다양한 수요에 맞게
예술 활동 참여 동기 부여 -
학내 다양한 예술 활동에 대한
통합적 정보 제공 및 활성화
하예림 (수리과학과)
길서영 (전기전자공학부)
김현진, 최진, 강덕희, 양인선, 윤서원, 김나영, 신의진, 문희준, 김성주, 추진우, 이재진
박수림, 김태형, 김민성, 이소영, 이진우, 김이삭, 류주영, 이성주
김은수, 최준호, 권정민, 이창해, 박광천, 양희원, 이찬희, 이재욱, 이종서, 김예솔, 홍민주, 이유경, 김용태
신정윤, 이금진, 이기범, 이영민, 이정현, 이찬혁, 정다현, 정석훈, 정원호, 정호헌, 조민우, 최명균, 이현정, 이현직, 임나현, 임성재, 홍성준, 전재완
평화와 인권
평화/인권, 세계화/다문화/젠더
북한/통일사회학 특강(세계화와 이주) 강의 통해 시범 시행-
1) 현장 전문가 초청 강연
2) 현지 답사 및 조사
-안산 이주노동자센터, 양천 외국인근로자센터 등 8곳
3) 학생 워크샵 개최: 현장조사 결과 발표 및 공유
공존과 소통
법/민주주의, 불평등/노동, 사회경제/공유,미디어/소통/정보
세계화와 이주 (Globalization and Migration)-
이 수업은 전세계적인 인구이동이 가져온 세계화의 의미를 ‘이주’라는 사회현상을 통해 이해하려 하며 크게 두 가지 내용으로 진행된.
첫째, 전통적인 이주국가에서 일어난 정치 사회 문화적 변화와 도전들을 유럽의 이주와 난민위기, 그리고 다문화 주의 정책의 성공과 실패를 통해 접근 할 것이다 -
Week1 (9/2, 4)
인구이동의 명과 암 / 세계화에 대한 다양한 시각들
과학기술과 환경
생태/환경, 도시/인구/보건